Midweek Groups

  • Connect Groups

    Connect Groups are an opportunity to get to know a small group of people better. To learn together, pray together and have fun together. Connect Groups meet at a variety of times and locations. Get in touch if you would like to know more or join a group!

    Contact: Catherine Tate, catherine@skiptonbaptist.org

  • Renew @ The House

    Our Renew Wellbeing Cafe started in Autumn 2022. We provide a safe, warm space where it is ok not to be ok! A cuppa, piece of cake and a chat is always available, plus crafts and other activities. We also stop to pray each hour. Why not pop in and see us!

    When: Tuesday & Friday, 9:30 - 12:30

    Where: The House

    Contact: Sarah Dunn, sarah@skiptonbaptist.org

  • Big Life Discipleship Group

    Big Life Discipleship Group and Big Chat run using materials provided by Big Life Europe. These groups are part of our discipleship programme seeking to deepen our understanding of God and his impact on our lives.

    Contact: Mick Dewhirst, mick@skiptonbaptist.org

  • Alpha

    The Alpha Course provides a great opportunity to explore the Christian faith and ask questions. There is always some food!

    We run the Alpha Course a few times a year.

    Contact: Mick Dewhirst, mick@skiptonbaptist.org

  • The Lectio Course

    The Lectio Course is a five session video series with Pete Greig and special guests exploring the ancient practice of Lectio Divina.

    Contact: Catherine Tate, catherine@skiptonbaptist.org

  • Kintsugi Hope

    The Kintsugi Hope course helps participants to learn about their own mental health and wellbeing.


    Contact: Catherine Tate, catherine@skiptonbaptist.org

  • Lunch Club

    Lunch Club has been serving the community in Skipton for over 25 years. Now open on the second Wednesday of the month, the team enjoy serving lunch to seniors from the area.

    Responsible person: Marielyn Geddes, office@skiptonbaptist.org