Ben Daniell

My name is Ben and I am married to Sarah. We have five children between us, and share a wonderful life in Gargrave. I am a secondary music teacher, but have been teaching piano and keyboard in the area recently. I am originally from Australia, and apart from a short return there between 2006 and 2011, have lived here since 1998. I have been attending SBC since 2019, and became a member in 2021.

I joined the Deaconate, in April 2023, and am very excited to become a part of the team responsible for ensuring the healthy functioning of this local body of Christ in Skipton. I have a passion for spiritual transformation and worship, and most importantly, that in everything, the Lord Jesus might have the supremacy (Col. 1:18).

Outside of church, Sarah and I enjoy time walking around the beautiful countryside we enjoy on our doorstep. We have a full house when all five children are with us, but when it’s a bit quieter and I have the time, I enjoy composing. It’s a creative outlet that I find relaxing as well as stimulating.

Areas of Responsibility